Help Center: Risk & Issue Management

What are Risks and Issues?

Risks are potential events or conditions that, if they occur, could have a positive or negative impact on an initiative’s objectives. These are uncertainties that need to be identified, assessed, and managed proactively to ensure success. Issues, on the other hand, are problems or obstacles that have already arisen and are currently affecting or hindering the project's progress. Effective management of both risks and issues is crucial for organizations to navigate the complexities of initiative execution, ensuring timely resolution of problems and mitigation of potential threats. Kiplot empowers organizations to efficiently manage risks and issues, providing the tools and insights needed to anticipate challenges, make informed decisions, and maintain momentum towards achieving strategic goals.

Risks and Issues in Kiplot

In Kiplot, Risks and Issues are tracked at the initiative level. You can add these to an initiative by opening up the initiative page and navigating to the Risks and Issues tab.

Risks attached to an Initiative in Kiplot

Default fields:

These fields are available on all risks and issues entered in Kiplot.

KeyTextAutomatically assigned, un-editable..
StatusDropdownClick on the three dots to the right of the Key to perform the following actions on a Risk or Issue: – Escalate – De-escalate – Change initiative – Convert to issue (risks only) – Convert to risk (issues only) – Close – Archive
SummaryTextProvide a short summary of the risk / issue.
DescriptionTextProvide a more detailed explanation of the risk/issue.
ImpactSliding scaleSelect a score between 1 (insignificant) and 5 (severe).
ProbabilitySliding scaleSelect a percentage that reflects the probability of the risk / issue occurring. A score between 1 (very unlikely) and 5 (very likely) will automatically be assigned.
ScoreNumberAutomatically assigned, un-editable. See further down in this article for more information on how this score is generated.
OwnerDropdownAssign an owner. They must exist as a user in Kiplot.
Mitigating ActionTextProvide detail on the action(s) taking place to mitigate the risk/issue.
CommentTextAdd additional comments to the risk/issue.
CreatedTextAutomatically assigned, un-editable.

Optional fields:

As well as the default fields available on the Risks and Issues tab, you can enable / disable the below on the Initiatives Configuration page.

Action dateDateDate when the mitigating action is due.
Action RAG StatusDropdownThe qualitative status of the mitigating action.
Critical dateDateDate when the resolution of a risk becomes critical.
Impact dateDateDate when the impact materializes.
ThemeDropdownTheme or area that the risk/issue impacts. You can manage the list of themes from the Configuration page.

Risk/Issue score

Once you’ve entered a risk against an initiative, a score is calculated from the Impact and Probability properties of the Risk/Issue.

  • Score = Impact Level x Probability Level
  • Impact Score levels are stepped from 1 to 5
  • Probability Percentage values run from 0% (0.0) to 99% (0.99)
  • Probability Percentage for Issues is always 100% (1.0)
  • The score is rounded to the nearest whole integer

Impact score

1 – Insignificant
2 – Minor
3 – Moderate
4 – Major
5 – Severe

Probability level

In the UI the probability percentage value is translated to a probability level from 1 to 5

0%No Level
1%-10%1 – Very Unlikely
11%-35%2 – Unlikely
36%-65%3 – Possible
66%-90%4 – Likely
91%-99%5 – Very Likely

Risk/Issue score examples:

This table is designed to show how the risk scoring works. It contains some arbitrary examples of risks with impact and probability multiplied together to reach a score.

ImpactImpact ScoreProbabilityProbability LevelCalculationRisk Score
Example 1Insignificant170%4 (Likely)1 x 44
Example 2Moderate315%2 (Unlikely)3 x 26
Example 3Severe595%5 (Very Likely)5 x 525
Example 4Moderate350%3 (Possible)3 x 39

Adding a risk/issue

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • On the Risks/Issues section click “Add risk/issue”
  • Fill out required Summary, Impact and Probability (for risks only) and optional Owner
  • Click Add

Updating information for a risk/issue

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • Risk/issue section properties in the table can be edited directly
  • Changes are automatically saved

Calculated/fixed properties such as the Score and Created information cannot be edited.

Escalating/ De-escalating a risk/issue

The escalated status is used to highlight specific risks/issues in reporting.

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • On the risk/issue section click on the 3-dot button at the start of a risk/issue row
  • Click “Escalate”/”De-escalate”
  • A red exclamation mark automatically gets added/removed based on the action

Reassigning a risk/issue to a different initiative

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • On the risk/issue section click on the 3-dot button at the start of a risk/issue row
  • Click “Change Initiative”
  • Type to search and select the initiative
  • The Risk/Issue will get reassigned when selecting the initiative

Closing/Opening a risk/issue

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • On the risk/issue section click on the 3-dot button at the start of a risk/issue row
  • Click “Close”/”Open”
  • The Risk/Issue Status will update with a completed/open icon when triggering the action

Archiving a risk/issue

  • On the Initiative Detail page, navigate to the Risks and Issues Tab
  • On the risk/issue section click on the 3-dot button at the start of a risk/issue row
  • Click “Archive”
  • Click the red bin-icon to confirm

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