Why choose Kiplot's Strategic Portfolio Management software?

Unified strategic vision

Kiplot provides a unified platform that bridges the gap between agile and traditional portfolio management ensuring an integrated approach to strategy execution that balances agility with pragmatic execution.

Robust financial management

Kiplot enables precise budget control, dynamic cost forecasting, and streamlined CapEx tracking ensuring money spent contributes to achieving strategic objectives.

Optimize resource for maximum impact

Kiplot’s capacity planning ensures optimal resource allocation across your portfolio. Maximize productivity, reduce bottlenecks, and ensure that teams are always working with a focus on value that drives strategic success.

Enhanced strategic decision making

Intelligent dashboards and real-time analytics empower you with the insights to make informed decisions. This enhanced visibility enables organizations to respond proactively to market changes and internal dynamics.

Learn more about Kiplot's Strategic Portfolio Management software for enterprise

financial and budgeting tools

Optimized Financial Governance

Maintain precise budget control with Kiplot's Strategic Portfolio Management tools. Forecast and allocate budgets dynamically, aligning with strategic objectives and maximizing value delivery across the organization.

Capacity planning

Optimal Resource Allocation

Leverage Kiplot's advanced capacity planning to align resources with strategic priorities. Ensure effective work distribution and maintain flexibility to innovate, driving strategic portfolio success.

benefit and value realization

Deliver Strategic Value

Track and measure value and benefits, ensuring every initiative supports your strategic goals and maximizes organizational impact.

Enterprise Roadmap

Roadmap Portfolio Success

Kiplot's Enterprise Roadmap allows your organization to operate an integrated portfolio management framework across both agile and traditional initiatives. Ensure initiatives are aligned with strategic objectives.

See how Kiplot's software aligns your project portfolio with enterprise strategy

risk and issue management

Proactive Risk Management

Kiplot’s Strategic Portfolio Management software enables proactive cross-portfolio risk management. Ensure secure outcomes and timely delivery by monitoring and mitigating risks, and enhancing resilience.

Status reporting

Increase Transparency

Boost transparency and drive strategic decisions with Kiplot’s real-time status reporting. Access performance data across your blended portfolio of agile and traditional initiatives.

Strategy Portfolio Planning


Strategic Alignment and Focus

Drive strategic focus with Kiplot's OKR management tools. Prioritize high-value initiatives, maintain continuous refinement, and, ensure alignment with strategic objectives.

Jira Integration

Integrate Seamlessly

Kiplot's direct Jira integration ensures workflows are seamlessly connected, providing real-time insights and enhancing the agility of your portfolio.

Unite your existing systems

Connect your portfolio to enterprise strategy with Kiplot's SPM software

portfolio kanban

Visualize Strategic Workflows

Kiplot's Portfolio Kanban provides visibility across your strategic initiatives. Identify bottlenecks and streamline planning to ensure seamless alignment with overarching strategic goals, enabling smarter delivery.

real-time dashboards

Smarter Strategic Insight

Intelligent dashboards offer instant visibility into portfolio performance, enabling rapid decision-making and strategic alignment across agile and traditional initiatives. 

time recording

Accurate Financial Oversight

Ensure budget integrity and accountability with Kiplot's time tracking capabilities. Fully integrated into our strategic portfolio management software, it allows for financial transparency coupled with strategic alignment.

enterprise-grade security

Advanced Data Protection

Safeguard your portfolio with robust security protocols designed to protect sensitive data across all phases of project management. Kiplot is built to adhere to standards including ISO 27001, 27017 and 27002.

Balance agile and traditional initiatives with Kiplot's Strategic Portfolio Management software

Our Customers

"Kiplot has helped drive efficiency, productivity, and speed"

"We adopted Kiplot’s Agile Portfolio Management platform and integrated it with our delivery tools (Jira) and finance systems (SAP). Kiplot has been a key enabler to our agile transformation.

Samil Salim
Head of EPMO, TSB Bank

download the intro deck

Connect Strategy To Execution

Download our intro deck to see how Kiplot's Strategic Portfolio Management software enhances efficiency, maximizes value, and ensures portfolio alignment with strategic goals.

Streamlined integration, powerful technology, and user-centric design

Seamless integration

Adopt Kiplot’s Strategic Portfolio Management software quickly and effortlessly, without the need for extensive overhauls or prolonged transitions.

Strategic technology for enterprise success

Harness advanced tools that facilitate comprehensive planning, prioritization, and tracking of your strategic initiatives, aligning every project with overarching business goals.

Centralized portfolio orchestration

Utilize Kiplot as the central command hub, allowing for agile responses to market dynamics while maintaining a cohesive direction.

Designed for all users

Kiplot’s user-friendly interface ensures that both technical and non-technical teams can collaborate effectively.

Customizable intelligent dashboards

Transform data into actionable insights with real-time, customizable dashboards, empowering rapid decision-making and strategic alignment throughout your portfolio.

Drive delivery in accordance with strategic objectives with Kiplot's SPM software

Explore more Kiplot features:

Portfolio Planning

Plan, execute and track your way to success

Reporting & Analytics

Enable your data driven organization

Financial Control

Forecast, budget, track and realize value


The cutting edge technology that underpins Kiplot

Portfolio Planning

Plan, execute and track your way to success

Reporting & Analytics

Enable your data driven organization

Financial Control

Forecast, budget, track and realize your route to value


The cutting edge technology that underpins Kiplot

Frequently asked questions about Kiplot's LPM software for enterprise

Strategic portfolio management (SPM) is the process of aligning project and program investments with an organization’s overarching strategic goals. Unlike agile and lean portfolio management, which focus on flexibility, efficiency, and value delivery, SPM emphasizes the alignment of all initiatives with long-term strategic objectives.

Agile portfolio management allows for rapid adjustments and iterative improvements, while lean portfolio management centers on maximizing value and minimizing waste. SPM integrates these principles but places a stronger emphasis on strategic alignment, ensuring every project contributes to the organization’s mission and vision.

Kiplot ensures strategic alignment by providing tools that connect individual initiatives and programs to the organization’s overarching strategic goals. This connection helps prioritize initiatives that deliver the highest value and align with long-term objectives, ensuring efforts contribute meaningfully to the organization’s strategic objectives.

Kiplot’s capacity planning tools optimize resource allocation, ensuring that personnel and resources are allocated to the most strategically important projects. This maximizes efficiency and ensures that strategic priorities are always adequately resourced.

Kiplot’s financial management tools provide precise budget control and dynamic forecasting, aligning financial resources with strategic priorities. This ensures continuous funding for high-value projects and supports strategic decision-making through clear financial oversight.

Kiplot’s risk and issue management tools allow for proactive identification, monitoring, and mitigation of risks. By integrating risk management into strategic portfolio management methodology, Kiplot helps secure project timelines and outcomes, reducing uncertainties and enhancing strategic planning.

Real-time dashboards in Kiplot provide immediate insights into portfolio performance, enabling rapid, informed decision-making. These dashboards help align project outcomes with strategic objectives and ensure that the organization can swiftly adapt to changing conditions.

Kiplot’s OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework facilitates strategic alignment by linking project objectives directly to broader organizational goals. This structured approach ensures that every project contributes to the strategic vision and allows for continuous tracking of progress towards these key objectives.


Kiplot seamlessly integrates with tools like Jira, Azure DevOps, SAP, and Oracle, creating a unified environment for strategic portfolio management. This integration reduces manual efforts, enhances data flow, and ensures that all systems work to support strategic goals.


Kiplot’s enterprise roadmap feature enables comprehensive orchestration across value streams, teams, and initiatives. This tool ensures that all projects are aligned with the strategic objectives, providing a clear roadmap that connects high-level strategy with day-to-day execution, enhancing overall strategic coherence.

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