Help Center: Value Forecasts

What are Value Forecasts?

Initiatives and Outcomes are connected to strategy through value forecasts. Initiatives and Outcomes are connected to strategy through value forecasts. The value forecast is the measurable benefit the initiative/outcome is expected to deliver. As such, value forecasts are expressed in Measures (Revenue, Cost, Users, NPS Score etc.). These measures are configured centrally in the Configurations page and used across the portfolio.

By default, value forecasts are connected to an initiative or an outcome. A forecast can also be connected to a Key Result. When connected, the value forecast is tracked as contributing to this part of the strategy.

Value Forecasts have to be tagged with a Key Result after they have been added in order for them to appear in OKR reporting.

A value forecast can have multiple entries. An entry is the value expressed in the measure connected to a date when the forecast is estimated to be realised.

Value forecast section on Initiative detail page


Add a new value forecast

  • On the Initiative/Outcome Detail page, navigate to the Value Forecast Tab
  • On the Value Forecast section click “Add forecast”
  • Fill out required Measure and Value
  • Optionally, under the advanced tab fill out a Time to Value

    Time to Value is the amount of time in days/years after the end date of the Initiative/Outcome when the value is expected to be realised

  • Click Add
Interface to add value forecast to Initiative/Outcome

Link a value forecast to a key result

  • On the Initiative/Outcome Detail page, navigate to the Value Forecast Tab
  • On the Value Forecast section, navigate to the forecast
  • On the left of the value forecast, underneath the measure title click “Link to Key Result”
  • Type to search and click the Key Result to link

Add an entry to an existing value forecast

  • On the Initiative/Outcome Detail page, navigate to the Value Forecast Tab
  • On the Value Forecast section, navigate to the forecast
  • Click on the 3-dot button in the top right of the section
  • Click “Add forecast entry”
  • Fill out required Value
  • Optionally, under the advanced tab fill out a Time to Value
  • Click add

Delete a value forecast entry

  • On the Initiative/Outcome Detail page, navigate to the Value Forecast Tab
  • On the Value Forecast section, navigate to the forecast
  • In the table displaying the value forecast entries click the bin-icon on the right of the row

Delete a value forecast

  • On the Initiative/Outcome Detail page, navigate to the Value Forecast Tab
  • On the Value Forecast section, navigate to the forecast
  • Click on the 3-dot button in the top right of the section
  • Click “Delete Forecast”

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